I Hear You (Death Prediction Project #1)
Piano prodigy, 17-year-old, Ryker Rathaway has claimed to hear music coming from people for as long as he can remember. His ability has made him an outcast among his family and peers. It throws him through a loop when he meets Porter, who is silent. He wonders why Porter is silent because to him silence normally means someone is dead. 16-year-old Porter Hollow, is the new kid, at Copper Cove Academy, in Blue Hill, Nebraska. One day, he hears someone playing the piano in one of the private music rooms. He follows the music and meets Ryker. When Porter finds out about Ryker’s ability he doesn’t shun him like everyone else always has, he also wonders why he out of everyone Ryker has ever met is the only one who is silent. Why does Ryker only hear silence coming from him and what does it mean? Download Tales to browse hundreds of interactive stories where YOUR decisions will shape the story outcome!
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