Maid for the Mafia
Ruby is a second-year college student who got involved with her teacher. The affair goes public and she's got nowhere to hide. Not only does her teacher blame Ruby for costing him his job, but the entire school wants nothing to do with her. She's been expelled and is forced to move in with her cousin, Lucy. Lucy likes to walk on the wild side and has more than a few friends in dark places. She sets Ruby up for an interview with a district Mob Boss, Dino Valleggi, promising this will solve all of Ruby's problems. Sexy, cold-hearted, Dino takes one look at Ruby and decides she's gonna be trouble, but he likes trouble. It's what he lives for. He plans to use her for more than cleaning up the kitchen and waxing the floors, but he needs to make sure she understands the stakes. Once in - you're in. Once out - we send your family a check and some flowers for their loss. And never, ever, sleep with any of the bosses. It's bad for business. Download Tales to browse hundreds of interactive stories where YOUR decisions will shape the story outcome!
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